Explore Alternative Parties
About the Parties on Sawti’s Website:
Sawti is an informational website, and does not endorse any single party that appears here. We are committed to evaluating any new political parties that join the alternative space, based on our 8 Values Criteria.
Each party on Sawti’s website has been evaluated based on documentation they provided. We recognize that this is a complex matter, and will do our best to always add disclaimers where appropriate.
Our goal is to provide you with the information that you need in order to come to your own conclusions.
A better Lebanon for all begins with alternative political parties who believe in the Lebanese people, and who will work to protect our rights, and end the status quo.
“Can I also help change Lebanon’s status quo?”
You have the power to change Lebanon’s status quo by committing to being an active citizen, and by supporting — and even joining — an alternative political party.
And in 2022, you have the power to create change by voting for a party that has a political program that will serve not only a few Lebanese people, but all of us, equally.
Lebanon needs solutions —
Sawti is committed to asking the difficult questions of Lebanon’s alternative political parties in order to explore their vision for Lebanon’s future, and to help you make informed voting decisions.
Check our calendar regularly for upcoming webinars featuring engaging discussions with experts in the political sphere; and in case you missed them, catch up on Sawti’s past webinars with the alternative political parties.
How Sawti chose the alternative parties presented on our website:
After consulting with experts in their political fields, Sawti devised its own system for identifying parties who have Lebanon’s best interest at their core.
Sawti’s 8 Values Criteria are the result of those conversations:

Sawti’s 8 Values Criteria
If you’re a political party who is interested in being evaluated by Sawti, and featured on this website, please contact us.
Header photo by @simon_hadddad