The Odds of An Alternative Parliament

An Election Simulation Tool

Lebanon’s parliament is made up of 128 members, representing 15 districts across the country, with each being allotted a certain number of deputies. 

Using data from the 2018 parliamentary elections, we created an interactive simulator. It  allows you to see how changing voting outcomes across each  district  might impact the distribution of seats in  parliament.

In several districts, you can see that only a few thousand more votes for a candidate representing an alternative party would have won them a seat. Your voice and your vote matter. Your voice and your vote can make a difference.

To simulate a simplified 2022 parliamentary election, select an electoral district on the map and adjust the number of votes cast for the alternative and traditional lists. The hemisphere diagram lets you see how different variations of votes affect the composition of parliament.

To understand how this simulation works and the assumptions that were made while building it click on this link.

1Alternative seats